Full Nepali Movie: Paapi Manchhe 2 (2008)

Starring: Aakash Babu Khawas (Mahesh), Hiuwala Gautam, Nikhil Upreti, Pujana Pradhan, Sunil Dutta Pandey, Sunil Thapa
Directed by: Deepak Shrestha
Written by: Suraj Subba (Nalbo)
Cinematography by: Deek Khadka

Movie Synopsis: ‘Papi Manche 2′ is the presentation of RC Pictures by Rajkumari Rai. The movie features the story of Dipen Shrestha, script by Suraj Subba ‘Nalbo’, action of Himal KC, music of Tara Prakash, choreography of Basanta Shrestha, editing of Tara Thapa ‘Kimbhe’, and cinematography of Dik Khdka.

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